The more muscle fibers recruited the greater the micro-tears which leads to the maximum amount of muscle recovery and growth. The reason those other fibers are recruited is due to the Krebs cycle not being able to replenish the cells with new ATP, so the body searches for any fibers left in the area it can use that still have some ATP left. It’s like being in the heat of an airsoft battle and you run out of BB’s so you shout to your closest team mate to see if they have an extra mag (I like airsoft analogies, sue me).
Read MoreThere’s 3 awful hot button topics in one title, perfect. So lets break this down, there’s a school of thought that keto is the best diet because it significantly decreases your risk for cancer. Is there any scientific data to support this? Actually yea. Cancer cells are amazingly efficient at using glucose to proliferate (rapidly increase cell production) so if blood-glucose levels are high its more food for the cancer cells. Cancer cells also lack the ability to use ketones efficiently for energy, meaning it can drastically effect growth. I can literally hear the Ketozites (like that term? Just made it up) screaming from their trench “I told you, Keto or death!”.
Read MoreKeto refers to the diet where carbs are essentially eliminated (dropped to about 5% of calories) and fats (70-75% of calories) are used as the primary source of calories, with protein making up the remaining calories (20-25%). This occurs once the body has used up all its stored glycogen and is forced to use Ketones to replenish ATP. Ketones are produced via the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver to be used as energy. Despite what some people want to believe without question (rather than reading a peer-reviewed article, guess we can’t all be cool like me) our body produces Ketones without being in Ketosis. Ketosis simply refers to the point when the body switches from Glycogen -> Ketones as the primary fuel source.
Read MoreThe bodybuilder diet of 6-8 meals a day, when did this come about?
Well we have to go way back first, because even eating 3 meals a day was something we (modern society) created and it stuck. Tribes simply ate when they were hungry rather than at set times, where as, for example, European settlers used time to set eating parameters (breakfast, lunch, dinner) as it fit into their structure of a “day” best.
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